Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Booty from Angel View

Just a quickie from when Ellen and I went thrifting the other day... I'm always looking for garden stuff and I managed to find a couple of things that I couldn't leave behind.

 Very heavy (probably cast iron) planter with a pretty patina.  I want to put something special in this one, and then never move it again!  Once it's filled with soil and a plant, I'm sure I won't have any interest in schlepping it anywhere.

Two small terra cotta pots that look old. There was another one that size, but it looked brand new. I am drawn to the look of age and patina, no doubt!

 I also got this plate.  It's a souvenir from Wyoming, a place called Little America.  Restaurant?  Lodge? Amusement Park? Unknown. But I got it for my black and white plate collection. At some point, I may have a black and white plate wall.

I love the crazing. You can see it in this close-up.  I also like the touch of color. Perks it right up!

That wraps up the loot from this trip! Time to pot some flowers!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A few of my favorite things

Haven't posted in awhile, but I have been thrifting and garage sale hopping, nonetheless! Here's a few (from the many) finds I've bought the last few weeks. 

 These cute little ceramic kitty teapots will look very cute on someone's Christmas/Yule tree this year

 I'm always a sucker for lovely painted Mexican clay pottery . I also found this lovely flower vase, too.

I am such a book hoarder collector/lover. But, I do so love finding lovely vintage books. This one is a French primer from 1894!  It's so lovely!

Thought I'd also share some of my bird and nature books I've pretty much found all of them at thrift shops, maybe an occasional one on amazon (used). I love looking through them and identifying some of the birds in the garden. There's some wonderful illustrations in many of them, as well as some poetry books about birds and nature. Happy Summer Solstice and happy hunting. (We've got more sunlight hours in the day to shop, Yeah!!!)


Monday, May 11, 2015

Vintage RCA record player

I hit up a few yard sales this Saturday and found this vintage RCA record player for $10!!! Got it out today to show the kids and they were very excited and had fun playing a few old 45s I had laying around. It's a bit beat up, but it works!

The Paramore 45 was a record I also picked up at a yard sale for a buck, I knew Violet would enjoy it.

(top picture by my daughter Violet on her iphone, rest by me)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blue and White and cut glass

On our recent foray, I found lots of stuff I "couldn't live without"!  I am a fan of blue and white. Especially transferware.  When I saw the mismatched pair of blue and white salt and peppers, I could not resist.  The salt is Currier and Ives, and the pepper is Blue Onion.  I love that they are not meant to go together, but match perfectly! And nearby was the matching creamer!  yay! And 2 ashtrays from a fancy hotel in San Francisco.  Though we don't smoke, it's nice to have them for guests, especially, friends of Bill W., who tend to be smokers...

I also found some pretty salt cellars at a yard sale.  I have no need for them, but have always liked the pretty, tiny things.  Maybe because I have a hobnail cellar from my grandmother...  But I saw these and thought "instant collection!" They cleaned up nicely.  The closest two might even purple up a bit, so I'll put them on the windowsill.

I got a few more things, a couple of books, a set of those plastic drawers ($5!) and some more wooden shoes, but they are not as photo-worthy as the pretties above! Had a fun day with Ellen, and that is better than any treasure I could ever buy.  

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring is Sprung!

Spring is in the air and we're ready to  catch up on our thriftin'.  Robin and I checked out a couple of local stores and also found one humongous yard sale.  Robin was doing all the shopping until we arrived at St Thomas' Thrift Store.  Here are some of the treasures I found...  

The little truck is perfect for holding a houseplant, the tray is for "someone" who needs one when we have tea on her patio (sssh!!!) and the wine box may be re-purposed, with a shelf added (I'll need some help from hubby), into a hanging shelf for my glass jars holding my button collection.  All these items were half price and the sales lady told us they had just been put out on the floor!  It certainly pays to shop often if you're looking for bargains as 'new' items arrive every day.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Oldies but goodies.

These aren't anything I've thrifted recently, but are a favorite find of mine.  I use these every year when I decorate for Christmas.  I got them at the Mennonite thrift store near the old house.  I think I paid $1 a box.  I love the age patina on the silvery ones and the cracky/peely surface on the aqua ones.

I even love the old boxes.  The Shiny Brite brand box is in worse shape, but it's not terrible.  I saw an old Shiny Brite ornament box used for a sweet little Christmas diorama once.  It gives a girl ideas!

I didn't pay much more than the original purchaser, who brought these beauties home from Ole's for 75¢.  I wish I knew what year they were purchased.  I'm glad someone way back when had my same love for nontraditional colors on the tree.

So crackled and fun!  I couldn't love these more if they were prefect and brand new.

 The silver is quite hazy and antique-looking, too.  I use these all over the house to up the "vintage Christmas" look.

Thanks for indulging my penchant for shiny things!  We need to get out and thrift soon, ladies!  New year?  New treasures to find!  Let's go get 'em!