Saturday, January 10, 2015

Oldies but goodies.

These aren't anything I've thrifted recently, but are a favorite find of mine.  I use these every year when I decorate for Christmas.  I got them at the Mennonite thrift store near the old house.  I think I paid $1 a box.  I love the age patina on the silvery ones and the cracky/peely surface on the aqua ones.

I even love the old boxes.  The Shiny Brite brand box is in worse shape, but it's not terrible.  I saw an old Shiny Brite ornament box used for a sweet little Christmas diorama once.  It gives a girl ideas!

I didn't pay much more than the original purchaser, who brought these beauties home from Ole's for 75¢.  I wish I knew what year they were purchased.  I'm glad someone way back when had my same love for nontraditional colors on the tree.

So crackled and fun!  I couldn't love these more if they were prefect and brand new.

 The silver is quite hazy and antique-looking, too.  I use these all over the house to up the "vintage Christmas" look.

Thanks for indulging my penchant for shiny things!  We need to get out and thrift soon, ladies!  New year?  New treasures to find!  Let's go get 'em!