Friday, April 22, 2016

Decorating our new home with found treasures

We moved into our new home in October and I've slowly been finding treasures to decorate it with.

The beautiful painting over the couch I found at the Valley thrift store here in Escondido. I also found the accent pillows you see there too. The pillows were all in perfect condition, clean and fresh.

The green weathered looking vase I also found there and filled it with some 99 cent store flowers.

The framed handcrafted Molas I found at the Assistance League thrift shop which is across the street from the Valley thrift shop. They cost more but are well worth it. 

"Mola is the word for "clothing" in the Kuna language of the Kuna people living off the northern coast of Panama on the San Blas islands. It is the most famous form of art produced in Panama. Molas are incorporated into a woman’s clothing, usually with one panel on the front of the blouse and a matching or related one on the back." 


I wanted something over the flat screen tv so I put up two shelves from Target and picked up a few little treasures from the thrift shop to put on them, the little "dance" sign and the old world map bottle. I'll probably add a little more when I find the right things.

Here's how they look all put together with old and new.  

(Little odds and ends thrifted items in the round shelves as well)

Also the white and orange flowered pillows were thrifted material my mama made into pillows for me. So lovely!

Happy thrifting and happy earth day. Be good to our earth and reduce, reuse, recycle!!


Friday, April 15, 2016


There were half-a-dozen or so yard and estate sales on my way home from taking Sarah to school yesterday. I managed to scare up some McCoy Floraline pottery at one of them. Floraline is  the line of inexpensive McCoy pottery that was made specifically to sell to florists in the 1960's. They could use some cleaning up, but I love the matte white finish.

I also got this red glass bowl a while back while I was with Ellen.  I confess I don't remember where. I do remember it was around $5. I didn't blog it earlier because I had no idea how to photograph it. Any background I chose was wrong.  I'm sure there is a better way to capture it, but Martin always says, when in doubt, take it outside and put it in full sun. I'm pretty hopeless at the photo-taking, I admit. Pretty bowl, though!

That's all for now!  The hunt continues!